BAND WE LIKE: SLEEPER'S BELL ((indie rock/folk))
((Car Seat Headrest)) Band Profile and Upcoming Los Angeles Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Car Seat Headrest
Written by Patrick McNamara
Seattle's Car Seat Headrest is the magnum opus moniker of mad proficient early twenty-something-year-old lo-fi sunshine psych pop wunderkind, Will Toledo (live, he's got a band... pretty sure... can't be positive since I'm so hip to this Car Seat Headrest doesn't even have a Wikipedia page yet... the most trusted source in music blobbing). In the last four years or so, this dude has self-released just short of a dozen albums (that would be eleven, man) to the WW IntraSphere and he played every note and sang every syllable on all of them. Eat shit, Dave Grohl.
But it looks like you can't keep a good DIY thing down because Matador Records (the name sounds familiar) recently announced that they're putting out Car Seat Headrest's twelfth (!) record and Will is twenty two. It's called “Teens of Style" and not to brag but I'm humbled to announce to you today that I've already been able to stream the entire thing a few times. Guess what? It's good. You can stream two songs from the new album below. Sorry. You can't stream the whole thing because you're not an important music blobber yet. You have to waste a few more years of your life first and only then will you be ready to waste what's left.
The band (I just got 100% confirmation through super covert music industry sources that, live, Car Seat Headrest is Will and two other dudes #nailedit) is playing CMJ 2015 and I'm not sure why as, per our earlier conversation, they've already been signed to Matador Records and I'm pretty sure bands only play music festivals to get signed. My covert music industry sources suggested as much once and let me tell you those sources go straight..... (snap).... to the top.
Anyway, think good pop and I'll agree with your line of thinking regarding this band.
File Under: twelfth album
RIYL: twenty-two
Similar Artists: _________ + ___________ + ___________ + The Beatles