BAND WE LIKE: SEWERBITCH! ((songs to howl to the moon to))
((Happy Diving)) Band Profile and Upcoming Los Angeles Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Happy Diving

Written by Patrick McNamara
Happy Diving are four dudes (Matthew! Matthew! echo! echo! Mikey! Samuelito!) from San Francisco (California!) who make loud fuzzy sludge punk pop.
(Loud fuzzy sludge punk pop is pretty intriguing, right? Wait till you actually hear it! Sure, you can skip right down past these carefully crafted words and blast Happy Diving’s album and forget I had anything more to say to you about this band. But I would highly advise against this practice. Because the following content is going to be so original - so dynamic - it just may set you free. So you’re going to want to read every precious and meticulously planned word first.)
I like Happy Diving because they are really cool and their songs really rock. More bands should sound like this band. Because there’s plenty of room in my heart for more good groups like Happy Diving. In summation, I love music and that’s something we can ALL agree upon.
(remember: i’m not wasting your time if i’m wasting my own time 2! ‘cause we’re in this crazy mixed up digital world together, bb boo boo!)
(i should have just said "Think Cloud Nothings meets Dinosaur Jr." and then called it a day.)
(welcome to walmart - i luv u.)