BAND WE LIKE: STELLA ((indie/emo/punk))
((Haybaby)) Band Profile and Upcoming Los Angeles Concerts - Oh My Rockness

Written by Patrick McNamara
Last year Haybaby played 27 shows that we listed. They probably played a bunch more that we didn't list for whatever reason let's not read into the listing vs. not listing thing too much let's just have fun and talk about good music. This year, as of this writing, (9:36 AM in the Year That I'm Writing This A.D.) Haybaby has played 26 shows that we've listed. Why didn't we list the other ones they probably played? I don't know, maybe because Rockness is only two people we do our best and sometimes it might not be good enough but we try real hard and GET OFF OUR BACK.
These real music stats expertly researched by me proves that Haybaby has been out there (since 2011) and they've been working hard and that's why they now sound so good. That's the way it works, right? Practice = good. I hear talent plays a factor too. Luckily, Haybaby doesn't have to choose between the two. They have both.
So you wanna know what kind of sound these three peeps (Leslie! Sam! Jeremy!) are slinging? No need to answer I'm going to tell you anyway so put your thinking caps on. Think rock. Think punk. Think sludge. Think math. Think pop. Think heavy meets pretty. Think of a time you were really happy. Think of the best meal you've ever had. Think about those you love. Think whatever you want. Just keep thinking. The mind is a terrible thing to waste.
If listening is more your thing, Haybaby has released several different sound offerings over the span of their existence and you can find and blast them all right here. The convenience of the World Wide Inter Face is amazing. But let's focus on the band's very fine debut album which was recently released by the very fine record label, Tiny Engines (home to: Beach Slang + The Hotelier + Somos + Annabel + Cayetana + Mannequin Pussy + a bunch more bands I like feel free to like them too). You can stream it directly below these words. You don't even have to leave this page you can just play and repeat and stay on Oh My Rockness forever if you want.
(I never update these band profiles since there are no rear view mirrors here at Oh My Rockness but I promise you I will return to this page in 2016 and fill you in on how many shows Haybaby played that year. This is my solemn music blob vow.)
File Under: talent and practice =
RIYL: good