BAND WE LIKE: FASHION CLUB ((stylish art rock))
((Jay Som)) Band Profile and Upcoming Los Angeles Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Jay Som
Written by Patrick McNamara
Jay Som is the lush DIY post ____ pop project of San Francisco's Melina Duterte. She's good!
Think indie pop meets shoegaze meets psych meets surf meets ____ meets good music and you should be on the right track.
Since forming somewhere circa 2011 A.D. Jay Som has quietly been releasing exquisitely crafted homemade pop songs to the World Wide Net and because it's now 2016 A.D. you can enjoy getting caught up with them here.
Most recently, Duterte released a full-length compilation album called “Turn Into" (via Wave Dweller / Topshelf Records put out the cassette) and it's really good so maybe you should just start the Jay Som listening experience with that one. You can stream it below. I made that happen for you. It was a little tough copying and pasting the code to my music blob but I figured it out. It's no problem. My pleasure. You bet. You deserve nice things.
As of this writing (10:10am in the Year That I'm Writing This A.D.) Jay Som is tooling around the country playing shows with Mitski (love) and Japanese Breakfast (love x 2). Now that's what I call a perfect sound grouping! Somebody somewhere really knew what they were doing when they put together that tour. Raises for all!
Jay Som should have a new album out soon with new songs (not sure of the exact date as Wikipedia, the most trusted source in music blobbing, didn't know) and I'm definitely looking forward to hearing it. I don't bet but I bet everything I own it's going to be GOOD. Until then...we'll always have “Turn Into."
Play it now. It's good!