BAND WE LIKE: BONDO ((L.A. slowcore))
((Olivia Neutron-John)) Band Profile and Upcoming Los Angeles Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Olivia Neutron-John
Written by Patrick McNamara
Are you ready?
I'm going to need a verbal confirmation before you blast Olivia Neutron-John's goodness.
You won't be able to handle this dope dark melodic mayhem -- beats & keys made possible by D.C.'s Anna Nasty -- if you're caught even the slightest bit unawares.
So....I ask you again.
Are you ready?
(you say you're ready)
OK. You asked for it.
Blast "16 BEAT" below.
Please note: it rules.
(P.S. ------ Olivia Neutron-John should tour with Proton Travolta sometime ----------)
(P.S.S. ------- anyone want to be in my band Proton Travolta? -------------)
Published January 17, 2017