BAND WE LIKE: SEWERBITCH! ((songs to howl to the moon to))
((Shopping)) Band Profile and Upcoming Los Angeles Concerts - Oh My Rockness

Written by Patrick McNamara
Shopping is a band of three (Rachel Aggs = guitar / Billy Easter = bass / Andrew Milk = drums) formed in 2012 in East London. They play skittish danceable punk that bounces and stabs and jabs. Stay focused and try and keep up with these crazy rhythms.
You've probably heard a similar sound before if you liked that era when late '70s punk swerved and bent into early '80s No Wave. I liked that era. Of course, a spin on this sound was also hitting strong in the early '00s. NYC was bursting with it. I know. I was there. And here we are in 2015 A.D. once more staring skittish stabby jabby dance punk in the face, determining if we're ready for more. I've made my decision. I'm ready. Life is but a circle game and we're held captive on the carousel of time... and then we die. But at least it's a fairly fun ride.
If you absolutely need to know the names of previous bands to help you make sense of Shopping's style rather than just read between the lines of what I just told you (or better yet give them a listen and decide for yourself) think The _________ meets _______of ______ meets _ _ _ meets blah blah blah meets shut up meets totally meets that's right meets you bet meets CLICK CLICK CLICK SWIPE SWIPE SWIPE BUY BUY BUY MORE MORE MORE. And then we die.
The band released their debut in 2013 (only recently re-issued for us Americans to consume) and it was a record that was right and fine and true and good. And as of this writing (9:41 AM in the Year That I'm Writing This A.D.) Shopping JUST released their second album "Why Choose" on FatCat (good label). Would you like to hear a good song from it for FREE? Yeah. Let's do it. I'm ready.
After listening, let's all go buy stuff.
File Under: bbrrrrrrrrring kerangggggggg eeeeekkkk wheeeeeee
RIYL: ______________________