BAND WE LIKE: FASHION CLUB ((stylish art rock))
((Taleen Kali)) Band Profile and Upcoming Los Angeles Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Taleen Kali

Written by Patrick McNamara
Taleen Kali is a musician/songwriter/poet/artist from Los Angeles who leads this melodic shoegaze band with songs swirl towards dark poptopia bliss.
You're gonna want to get into this goodness at your earliest convenience.
To help facilitate your sweet new musical journey, start by listening to Kali's solid debut full-length album Flower of Light below.
And then go see her and her good band play!
(released via Kali's own Dum Dum Records)
RIYL: Lush * Warpaint * Dum Dum Girls * Ex Hex
Published May 14, 2023