BAND WE LIKE: AIN'T ((isn't not good))
((Terry Gross)) Band Profile and Upcoming Los Angeles Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Terry Gross
Written by Patrick McNamara
Terry Gross (the band, not the NPR 'Fresh Air' host) is a power trio from San Francisco comprised of guitarist Phil Manley (Trans Am*), bassist Donny Newenhouse and drummer Phil Becker.
Please get into their fuzzy space-y drone-y epic (mostly) instrumental (post) post rock goodness at your earliest convenience.
Start by listening to their v. solid debut album Soft Opening below (or wherever you like listening to good records). Three songs. Almost 40 minutes. Hell yes.
And then go see them play!
(they're about to do their first ever NYC show so hopefully you read this in time)
(released via Thrill Jockey)
*I remember when I bought Trans Am's album Surrender to the Night way back when the record store put a handwritten sticker on the front of the CD that said something like 'please note: there's nothing wrong with the disc, it's supposed to sound like that" lol