Artist We Like: Sammus - Oh My Rockness

Band We Like

Artist We Like: Sammus

RIYL: beats / flow

May 14, 2017

Written by Patrick McNamara

Sammus* is a rapper/producer from Ithaca, NY.

Is this hip hop. Is this nerdcore. Is this punk. Is this pop.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

It's also dope as hell.

Sammus has been rocking the bells since she released her debut EP Fly Nerd way back in 2010 A.D. (with plenty more dropped since then), sharing bills along the way with lots of solid peeps including Screaming Females, sad13, Izzy True, Free Cake For Every Creature and Worriers to name but a quick few.

Check out Sammus' latest opus Pieces in Space (via Don Giovanni) below.

And don't forget to turn it up.

File Under: beats

RIYL: flow

*a.k.a. Enongo Lumamba-Kasongo


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