Band We Like: Vundabar
Please note: this band rules

Written by Patrick McNamara
Vundabar is a good band from Boston that plays jovial quirk punk.*
These idiosyncratic jangle jams slip, slide and glide all over the place and if you can keep up with the wonderfully erratic rhythms you shall receive your great reward in Heaven or, if that doesn't exist, right here on good old planet earth!
Come for the riffs. Stay for the surprise hairpin turns. Don't fall asleep at the wheel.
Please blast their latest full-length album below.
Spoiler: it's GOOD.
*since we're making up music genres on the fly (see: quirk punk) eccentro pop would also be an acceptable description or whatever YOU decide this goodness sounds like
RIYL: Shudder to Think * Horse Jumper of Love * Foals * Good Bands