MillionYoung: The Saint of Synths. - Oh My Rockness

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MillionYoung: The Saint of Synths.

November 28, 2010
One of these days we're going to get away with starting a band profile with, "OMG, these melodies are so sinfully synth-y!" But alas, today is not that day. It just doesn't feel right when describing MillionYoung. It's close, but not quite right.

You see, Florida's MillionYoung super synth-y pop is too summery feeling to be considered sinful. This is just fun, laid-back electro grooves full of beats, hooks, and an overall breezy vibe. Where's the sin in that?

And it's all created flawlessly by one man and his computer, Mr. Mike Diaz (live, he brings a full band... which is always awesome). Sure, you can bust out and dance to MillionYoung when these beats start thumping, but you'll probably just find yourself wanting to chill out instead. This is more electro-hammock-pop than dance music.

MillionYoung definitely have some jams that could potentially be the jams of summer '10. So I'm bringing my blaster and blasting this guy at every BBQ, beach party, and ice cream social I'm invited to this season. So that means I'll be blasting it at least twice!

MillionYoung play The Satellite, on Wednesday, December 8th.


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