Teen Daze makes great electro. - Oh My Rockness

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Teen Daze makes great electro.

November 28, 2010
Someone on Twitter commented (sorry, "tweeted") that the super synth-y Teen Daze sounded like Junior Boys Jr. They also threw in the word "adorable." I thought that was pretty on target.

But why stop there? You can also get away with references to Washed Out or any of those other dreamy synth-pop bands that remind you of the greatest summer you've ever had (Small Black, Memory Tapes and, well, you know...).

And when Teen Daze turns the electro beats up and gets their dance thing on -- this doesn't happen on every song, but it definitely happens on "Four More Yrz" and "Around" -- I even hear a little bit of Pictureplane. Boom.

Anyway, I don't know much about Teen Daze. But I know they are from Vancouver. And I think they might be a duo. I also know that their song "Neon" is one of the best pop songs I've heard all month. Hell, maybe all year.

Oh yeah, I know that Teen Daze is playing some shows with two of our other new favorites, Gobble Gobble and Braids. Honestly, I don't think I need to know anything else to know that this band (if it is a band and not, you know, just one dude) is pretty damn irresistible. Anyway, we need to stop writing and go listen to "Neon" again.

MillionYoung play The Satellite, on Wednesday, December 8th.


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