Band We Like: Childbirth
Written by Patrick McNamara
Seattle's Childbirth is a punk band that shreds and likes to goof around every now and then. They have three members. Their first names are Julia (she plays in Chastity Belt) and Bree (she plays in Tacocat) and Stacy (she plays in Pony Time). I'm not going to tell you their last names yet. You're not ready.
In 2014 (the year before the one I'm writing this) Julia and Bree and Stacy released their debut album. It was called “It's a Girl!" and it still is. “I Only Fucked You as a Joke" was a song from that record that many people way back then resonated with. The chorus goes “I only fucked you as a joke. I only fucked you as a joke."
But let's stop talking about the goddamn past and instead discuss the very near future (assuming you're reading this somewhere around the era I am currently writing this in) because Childbirth are set to release their second full-length album and first for Suicide Squeeze, a record label I have loved since seemingly forever (1996* might as well be). It's called “Women's Rights." Please enjoy three solid streams from it below.
In summation, I like Childbirth and feel you might like them too. But if you don't that's cool I don't care. I only wrote this as a joke.
File Under: super
RIYL: groups
* Modest Mouse “Life of Arctic Sounds" on Suicide Squeeze was one of the very first 7"s I ever bought and I still have it. Thanks for listening.