Band We Like: Japanese Breakfast

Written by Patrick McNamara
When she's not singing and playing guitar in her super solid band, Little Big League, Philadelphia's Michelle Zauner is creating blissful bedroom pop (or whatever room she records this in -- I'll have my team of researchers get on this ASAP) as Japanese Breakfast. If you like strong songwriting sprinkled with happy hooks and a nice helping of warm wistful ennui, you will certainly enjoy devouring this morning meal of musical goodness.
Since forming this solo project somewhere circa 2013 A.D., Zauner has given the world a couple records as Japanese Breakfast (both released by Seagreen Records, home to Pinegrove, Forth Wanderers, Furnsss, Porches, Rivergazer and more) and you can stream them as MANY times as you want right here. God, I love The Inter Net.
But let's move up to more modern times because what was 2013 even LIKE, mannnn.
Below you will find I have done a really above-and-beyond sweet move for you and posted a super good song (File Under: DOPE) that is the lead track off Japanese Breakfast's upcoming album “Psychopomp" (Yellow K Records will release it on April 1, 2016 A.D. which may already be in the past depending on when you read this really great profile I never plan on updating). I really feel deep in my heart that you're going to love it. Why? Quite simply, “In Heaven" is a JAM. More songs like this, please.
If throwing around other band names help you navigate things a bit better, Zauner rolls with Radiator Hospital + eskimeaux + Frankie Cosmos and has recently played shows with Big Ups + The Hotelier + Bellows. So if you like any of those good bands perhaps you will be predisposed to also like Japanese Breakfast. It is the most important musical meal of the day.
Alright. Here's that JAM now. Turn it up. Works best if you blast it.
(did you play it? did you love it? I KNEW it!!!!)